Waterproofing of Flat Terraces and Roofs: How to waterproof a flat terrace


Waterproofing of Flat Terraces and Roofs:
How to waterproof a flat terrace

Do you know this technique?? Waterproofing of flat terraces is a main problem in building construction, mainly becauseof  the surfaces are flat. This means that the water cannot run off the structure quickly, and will move slowly or pool above the surface, and that will creating opportunities for leakage.

In addition, these flat surfaces require to be completed or collection pits for the water to flow into before entering the vertical drainage pipes and other sources, which another great source of leaks.

It follows that rough terrace surfaces (such as crazy china paving) are not good for waterproofing, as they encourage slow movement or pooling of water. instead of that, Smooth surfaces are better. The more slope you can give to the surface, is the better option from getting rid of leakage.according to the well known opinion, A slope of 1 in 100 or steeper is recommended for terraces.


The best way to waterproof a flat terrace is to use a waterproofing membrane. This is a thin layer of waterproof material that is continuous, and offers no path for water to enter the structure.
The membrane is laid on top of the structural slab.

On top of the membrane, a filler material is laid. The filler material is necessary to give a slope to the finish of the terrace. This slope runs towards the drainage outlets

Critical areas

The critical areas in membrane waterproofing are  the areas where it is likely to fail - are the few areas where the membrane is not continuous. This occurs at the outlets, also called drainage sumps, where water collects before flowing into drainage pipes.

If a failure occurs, it cannot be easily rectified, as the membrane And those leaked are not accessible. Therefore to correct a failure, construction workers will have to rip out the floor finish and the filler material, repair or replace the entire membrane, and re-lay the upper layers.
Now here we are giving you one brilliant idea for repairing the leakage. This article help you with great deel. And more important is that this is very cheap idea. You can repair the leakage at very low cost. Watch the above given video. You will get Compete information about this process. He jump into it. He felt better and started swimming in the cool wat. He stayed there for long. After some time he came out of the pond and sat on a rock to rest. 


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