How get rid of weeds (ઉધઈ થી છુટકારો )

 How get rid of weeds (ઉધઈ થી છુટકારો )

Health to know

This is a 100% effective way to get rid of weeds permanently from home, weeds will never come back

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Locusts are seen roaming in flocks like ants. Locusts feed on wood, wood products and tree leaves. He eats the wood in such a way that then the whole wood rots and is of no use. In addition to our home, locusts are also found living in the forest and underground. Locusts spread rapidly in long-closed buildings. So let us now know the remedies to get rid of this weed.

Bitter neem wood also prevents weeds. Mix neem wood powder in granite, sand or glass powder and fill in the cracks of these crisp powder walls. This makes it difficult to move the weed and it cannot fix the rate. Laying a thick layer of dust around the house stops all kinds of worms from entering the house.


Neem powder is weed-resistant. Bitter neem oil and castor oil can be mixed and poured at the rate of weed. Rubber milk also prevents weeds. Black pepper does not like insects. Its powder is also useful.

The easiest and most effective way to get rid of termites is incense. Having incense in the furniture protects it from locusts. Even if your furniture is infested with locusts, keeping incense in it for 3-4 days will destroy it.


Locusts run away from any bitter odor, so sprinkle neem juice or neem juice on the area where the locusts are found. As soon as you smell the bitter smell of Karela juice, all the weevils will be gradually destroyed. Karela juice should be sprinkled for at least 3 to 4 days so that the locusts do not come back.

The smell of orange is also very intense. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. You can use this on powder or oil. Spray the orange oil into the holes in the furniture and the weevil will die instantly.


Salt also has the power to kill termites. So sprinkle salt on all the places where weeds are found. By sprinkling salt you will see that gradually all the locusts will start to die. Locusts can also be killed using red chilli powder. If you spray red chilli powder on the area where the locust is affected, all the locusts will die automatically.

The smell of kerosene is strong which does not allow the emergence of locusts. Spraying kerosene on wood kills termites. Once a week, wipe the furniture with kerosene in a cotton cloth. This will get rid of the problem of weevils.


Locusts also run away from soapy water. Make soapy water in 4 cups of water daily. Sprinkle this water on the furniture daily. Do this until you see a difference. Soap water will get rid of locusts quickly. Apart from that, white vinegar is also beneficial in repelling locusts. White vinegar can be used to relieve termites by spraying vinegar on the locusts or furniture.

The easiest way to get rid of weevils is incense. Having incense in the furniture does not cause weeds in the furniture and is safe. Even if the furniture is infested with locusts, keeping incense in it for 3-4 days will destroy the locusts. Chemicals can also be used to control termites. A naphthalene pill is the best option. If you put 2-3 tablets of naphthalene in the furniture, the locust worms will die.


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